Feeling Insecure When Drumming? Try This!

Drumming insecurity tips

Have you ever felt insecure when drumming?

Hands down:

I have.

More than once.

Hey, we’re all human?

Still, I won’t lie to you:

Drumming insecurity sucks.

That’s why I wrote today’s article, sharing one of my best tips on the topic.

What I Do When I Feel Insecure About My Drumming

You know, I’m totally aware that I’m not the best drummer on this planet.

That’s fine with me.

Yet, knowing that I’m drumming far from perfect doesn’t raise insecurity.

Instead, my own expectations do.

Let’s take gigging for example:

Yes, you practice smart for a concert.


At the end, however, you simply can’t know what will happen.

Foretelling the future is impossible, at least to what I know.

You can just give the damn best you can at the moment.

I’m talking uncertainty here.

And that’s the point:

For me, drumming insecurity comes with uncertainty.

As we’re all living our lives, we all know:

Nothing is ever certain.

We have to deal with uncertainty, and for this reason, most likely insecurity.

That was the first big thing I had to learn:

I simply can’t change how life works out for me.

But I can change how I react to life throwing shit or stardust at me.

And you can do so as well.

That’s my advice to you, then:

Make Your Passion For Drumming Bigger Than Your Insecurity

Whenever I feel insecure about my drumming style or whatever, I remember this:

My love for drumming is way, WAY bigger than my fear of failing can ever get.

I’ve messed up big time on stage.

Had a massive blackout.

And screwed up not just one drum solo.

Deadly silence instead of applause?

Been there.

Still, I’m here.

Nourishing your love for drumming for me is the best way to deal with insecurity.

And how can you do so?

Play what you love!

Try to reach your goals, no matter how big or small they might seem.

And never forget to be proud of you.

Yes, you might never fully get rid of your insecurities.

But you can learn to live with them.

Even after 15+ years of playing the drums, some tasks freak me out to this day.

And that’s fine.

By embracing this attitude, your drumming insecurities might also start to dwindle little by little.

Being willing to suck is totally worth it.

After all, it’s all for the love of drumming.

Or isn’t it not?


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Author: Manu Holmer

Hi, I'm Manu Holmer, nice to meet you! As a professional drummer and drum teacher, my vision is to help others transform their lives with the power of music. Let's not only play the drums. Feel the rhythm & and walk to our own beats!

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