Feeling Insecure When Drumming? Try This!

Drumming insecurity tips

Have you ever felt insecure when drumming?

Hands down:

I have.

More than once.

Hey, we’re all human?

Still, I won’t lie to you:

Drumming insecurity sucks.

That’s why I wrote today’s article, sharing one of my best tips on the topic.

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The Very First Song You Can Learn On Drums

Tips first song to learn on drums

Which song should I learn first on drums?

That’s a quite common and understandable question.

After all, there are many, many beginner-friendly songs out there.

You’re totally new to drums?

In this case, make sure to check out this song:

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Is Taking A Break From Drumming A Good Idea?

Taking a break from drumming experiences

Is taking a break from drumming a good idea?

Will you miss out on something?

Or even worse:

Will you destroy the progress you’ve made so far?

These are highly important questions I’m going to answer today.

After all, it’s a common belief that you need to

  • practice,
  • practice more
  • and practice even more

to become a skilled drummer.

But how true is this common belief really?

Can you take a break from drumming and still become a superb drummer?

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What’s The Best Part Of Playing The Drums?

Playing the drums best part opinion

What’s the best part of playing the drums?

That’s a question that literally popped up in my mind.

Some time ago, I wrote about the hardest part of being a drummer.

Today, it’s time to shift our focus.

That’s why I’m going to share my opinion on what’s the best part of drumming.

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How To Become The Confident Drummer You Aspire To Be

self confidence drummer tips

Being the confident drummer:

That’s when you know how to play, right?


And no.

Being confident as a drummer is not necessarily bound to your drumming skills.

It’s more like a state of mind, an attitude, or a mindset.

Everybody can become a confident drummer.

But how?

Find out today!

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5 Savvy Tips On How To Find Your Own Drumming Style

5 tips on how to find your own drumming style

How do I find my own drumming style?

Back in my early years as a drummer, I’ve been asking myself this question a lot.

I also know many other drummers would love to know more about this topic.

Could I find an answer to this frequently asked question, then?


And that’s why I’m going to share 5 savvy tips with you today.

They will help you find your own drum style, too.

Ready to express yourself? 🙂

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We Need To Talk About Drumming Envy

Drumming envy tips

Ever felt drumming envy?

You know the feeling:

Watching a video of a kid rocking the drums as many adults can’t.

Maybe you went to a mind-blowing jam lately.

Or you just got caught up in the fun and fancy world of social media.

Drumming envy is something most of us aren’t immune to.

Sooner or later, we’re likely to catch it.

That’s why we need to talk about drumming envy:

It’s nothing you need to be ashamed of.

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How To Jam With Other Musicians As A Drum Beginner

Tips for drum beginners on how to jam with other musicians

You’re a drum beginner, and you’re finally going to jam with other musicians?

Great idea!

There’s a lot of fun waiting just around the corner. 🙂

At the same time, you might wonder:

How can you collaborate and jam with other musicians?

After all, that’s a whole new experience for you.

In this drumming guide, you’ll find some tried and tested tips helping you successfully prepare for your jam sessions.

You’ll also learn about things you should avoid when collaborating with other musicians.

But first, let’s answer this frequently asked question:

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Essential Drumming Equipment Every Beginner Needs

Guide essential drumming equipment for beginners

Certain drumming equipment for beginners is essential if you want to learn the drums properly.

For this reason, I’m sharing 13 must-haves a novice drummer needs.

Some of the equipment like a high-quality drum set is obvious, while other utensils might surprise you.

With that said, let’s take a look at essential drumming equipment every beginner should own.

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