How To Get Into Drumming: 3 Essentials For Beginners

Get into drumming how to tips

How do you get into drumming?

I mean:

How does learning this wonderful instrument look like?

Where do you start?

And what are the essentials for beginners?

Let’s find out today!

How To Get Into Drumming: Learn 3 Essential Basics For Beginners

On your first day of drumming, you should focus on three basics:

  1. How to set up your kit ergonomically.
  2. How to hold your drum sticks properly.
  3. And how to play a very easy drum beat.

That’s all?

That’s all.

Of course, you can always learn more.

Some beginners even play to music the very first day.

But these 3 basics are a great way to start out on a solid basis:

1. Set Up Your Drum Kit The Right Way

Each drummer is unique.

And no, I’m not talking about her or his style of playing the drums.

I’m talking about the human body.

Your drum set should always fit you, not the other way round.


Whenever you sit down on a drum set that’s new to you, make sure to adjust it to your personal needs.

You might want to lower the snare drum, or change the angle of the toms.

It’s utterly important that the instrument you’re playing matches you.

If it doesn’t, you might have a harder time playing the drums.

Your kit is ready?

Let’s take a look at the grip, then.

That’s the second basic for your first day of drumming.

2. Hold Your Drum Sticks Properly

In Germany, we have a saying:

“Die Sticks sind die Verlängerung Deiner Arme.”

Translated to:

“Drum sticks are the extension of your arms.”

That’s why you should focus on a helpful grip from day 1 on.

And how do you learn it?

If you’re taking drum lessons, make sure to ask your teacher.

You’re learning to play the drums on your own?

In this case, I recommend watching some videos on YouTube on drum grips.

You could also read a blog article about drum grips, or combine both mediums.

And please don’t worry:

Your way of holding your sticks can change over time.

It’s essential to find a grip that feels good for you to start-off with.

3. Learn Your Very First Drum Beat

Adjusting a drum kit or learning a certain grip is fun, right?

Well …

It’s okay, but definitely not the best part of playing the drums.

That’s playing the drums, of course. 🙂

And that’s the final thing I highly recommend doing on drumming day 1.

(It’s the most enjoyable as well.)

But how do you learn your first drum beat?

Again, you have various options:

  1. Ask your drum teacher.
  2. Get inspiration on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook etc.
  3. Read a drum blog, or buy a drum book for beginners.

Maybe you even want to play a beat you’ve heard in a song.

Or come up with your own nice and simple pattern?

It’s up to you.

The most important thing is:

Play the drums and enjoy it!

It really doesn’t matter

  • how long you play,
  • how good it sounds
  • or how silly you might feel.

If you’re asking:

How to get into drumming?

I simply have to say:

If you only do one thing, start by playing the drums.

That’s how you get into drumming.

It’s not about only

  • reading,
  • watching videos or
  • theoretically learning

about the how-to.

It’s actually playing the drums.

Today is your 1st day as a drummer?

Whatever you do:

Play and enjoy it, even if you feel like you suck.

(Trust me, it’s getting better very soon.)

And if you can spare some extra time, make sure to adjust your drum set and grip as well.



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Author: Manu Holmer

Hi, I'm Manu Holmer, nice to meet you! As a professional drummer and drum teacher, my vision is to help others transform their lives with the power of music. Let's not only play the drums. Feel the rhythm & and walk to our own beats!

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