As a drum beginner, there lies a great musical journey ahead of you.
What I can say from the bottom of my heart: Enjoy it!
It will be a crazy as well as a joyful ride. ๐
However, I’m sure you know the saying:
Each medal has two sides to it.
Being a drum beginner or musician in general is no exception.
So in this drumming guide, you’ll learn about 3 things I wish I knew when I was a newbie behind the kit.
As A Drum Beginner – And Beyond – You Will Sound Bad While Practicing
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When starting out as a drummer, chances are you’ll sound bad.
But don’t worry!
This also is the case with professional drummers.
It’s as simple as that:
When you learn new things, you have to take a step back. Practice slowly, one single note at a time.
So yes, that’s the reality.
We all sound bad from time to time.
Even more so:
If you sound good while practicing, you’re not practicing.
Because you already know what you’re doing – or else you could hear it. ๐
For this reason, don’t be afraid to sound bad while drumming.
It’s a natural thing and nothing to worry about.
Being A Drum Beginner Can Be A Challenge In Various Ways
As a drum beginner, you’ll face different challenges like wanting to rock harder than you’re actually able to.
Maybe you also want to play to songs that are still way too fast or seem too complicated for you.
Also, you might be disappointed when you compare yourself to other drummers like your biggest idols.
I’m not even starting with the feeling you get when listening to your first ever drum recording.
You might know these
Wow, do I really sound like this?! :-/
As a matter of fact, I think A LOT of drummers faced and still face such challenges as a beginner.
However, the goal is not to avoid the obstacles, but to master them.
You see, that’s a great part in music or life in general:
Things don’t need to be easier. (They probably won’t!) You only have to be better.
So, be prepared for some nice challenges ahead of you.
They will open up your horizon not only in the terms of music. ๐
Discipline Is Just As Important As Inspiration
I’m definitely no fan of the word talent.
Or I better say: not at all.
Because it always sounds like a musician only has to be gifted to be great.
What I’ve learned over the years?
That’s not the case.
Talent is overrated.
We’re all human and not some music-master-of-the-universe รbermensch.
What really separates the best from the rest is smart & hard work. Being willing to get it done requires discipline.
Of course there are people that learn to play the drum set faster than others.
That’s the case with many topics.
In the long run, however, you have to be disciplined to achieve your personal drumming goals.
No matter how talented somebody thinks you are.
And still:
You really don’t need to become extremely disciplined.
Instead, make your drumming goals so motivating that you simply can’t resist working towards them.
Passion is the key – but also dedication.
Put In The Work To Get What You Want
It might sound a little harsh but there’s no romantic story about becoming a great musician.
We all work constantly on our skills and mindset to rock hard.
If you’re willing to practice constantly and still enjoy your journey, I’m 110 % sure you’ll become a great drummer.
As a former newbie, I really needed to share these lessons with you.
I also hope they help you whenever you’re feeling down, or unsatisfied with your current state of being a new drummer.

it is very helpful what i’ve read, and true we should start off slowly and learn basic things first.
Hi John, thanks for your comment and I’m really glad that my tips can help you. ๐