Drum songs for beginners are a perfect way to practically use what you’ve learned so far.
So in this article, I’d like to present you with 20 eay songs drum beginners can rock to.
Continue reading “20 Easy Songs Drum Beginners Can Rock To!”Drum Notes, & Tips For Beginners
Drum songs for beginners are a perfect way to practically use what you’ve learned so far.
So in this article, I’d like to present you with 20 eay songs drum beginners can rock to.
Continue reading “20 Easy Songs Drum Beginners Can Rock To!”As a drum beginner, there lies a great musical journey ahead of you.
What I can say from the bottom of my heart: Enjoy it!
It will be a crazy as well as a joyful ride. 🙂
However, I’m sure you know the saying:
Each medal has two sides to it.
Being a drum beginner or musician in general is no exception.
So in this drumming guide, you’ll learn about 3 things I wish I knew when I was a newbie behind the kit.
Continue reading “You’re A Drum Beginner? 3 Crucial Things You Have To Know!”Expensive drums and cymbals are not only looking but sounding cool. Do you agree?
Well, it depends on the musician playing the instruments.
At least that’s what I’ve noticed over and over again during my musical career.
Let me get this one straight for you:
If you want to sound good or even great as a musician, you don’t necessarily need to have expensive equipment.
However, the cheapest stuff won’t work either.
Because what you really need is quality and reliability.
This duo goes for your musical skills as a drummer as well. 🙂
Continue reading “Are Expensive Drums Crucial For Your Great Sound?”Is reading sheet music really that important for drummers?
That’s a question I’ve been asked a lot.
To be honest, I love drums sheet music. I do not always use it, however. But when I do it helps me a lot. 😉
In this article, I’d like to show you the greatest advantages of being a good reader first.
Then you’ll learn why I always teach reading skills in my drum lessons.
Continue reading “Is Reading Sheet Music Important For Drummers?”Practice drumming on a regular base is the key to become a great musician.
However, it isn’t always clear how to start your hard hitting journey.
Or what’s meant by the concept of practicing after all.
If you agree and don’t know how you should fill your practice time or start drumming in general, my blog hopefully will help you out. 🙂
Continue reading “How To Practice Drumming: Crucial Basics For Beginners”