One thing: There’s only one thing you have to know when you feel like you’re sucking at drums.
What is this little secret?
Let’s take a look at it in this drumming guide.
Drum Roll, Please!
Table Of Contents
The secret is …
There is no secret.
I’m sorry, I don’t want to disappoint you.
But I feel I have to.
The plain truth is:
Each and every one of us feels like sucking at drums from time to time.
Please understand this:
You’re not alone.
It’s not that you’re especially bad at drumming.
You’re definitely not.
You’re just still learning.
We all are.
Or do you really think your drumming idol started out as the musical hero he or she is today?
You bet your ass not.
Playing the drums in the Champions League is smart AND hard work.
It’s about dedication.
And despite all our love for drumming, we still fail.
Sometimes over and over again.
That’s it.
So, you simply have to get up and do the work.
Benefit from professional advice when you feel you’re stuck.
Drum teachers like me are always a great shortcut on your musical journey.
Also, don’t be afraid to invest even more in yourself!
Buy the books, watch the videos and grab the equipment that really meets your needs.
Fact: We’re All Sucking At Drums Now And Then
Manu, you’re telling me that sucking at drums is something everybody does?
Yeah, that’s what I do.
But after all, I’m just a random female drummer with a blog and personal opinions.
You don’t have to take my word, of course.
But maybe, just maybe, they will help you immensely.
Is There A Better Solution To The Problem?
If you think you’re bad at drumming, you can practice and become better.
Even great.
On the other hand:
If you think you’re sucking at drums, you can shrug your shoulders, do nothing about it, and keep being unsatisfied.
Obviously, you always have some options on how you react to your thoughts.
There is the productive brain-talk getting you going.
And the one keeping you down where you certainly don’t want to be – the place where you feel like sucking at drums
Ask yourself, despite a good or bad day drumming:
Are you willing to do the work to make the change?
Then do it.
Start now.
Or are you not?
The choice is yours.
And no: I don’t think there are ANY particularly bad drummers out there.
Each of them has a uniqueness to them, making them outstandingly great.
You do too!
And I as well.
We’re all great drummers, because we’re all originals.
There just isn’t a second you or me walking this earth.
And yes, I know that’s something you can argue about.
I sure know that some people like to play the competing game.
You know … „I can play 5,64 bpm faster than this girl in the video. Why am I not the drummer here?!“
In Germany, we call this Schwanzvergleich.
And I tell you, that’s not part of a great mindset for a drummer.
(Not to speak about how annoying it is. But the Schwanzvergleich deserves an article on its own.)
Still thinking you’re sucking at drums?
If you take away one helpful thought from this drumming guide, let it be this one:
You’re not alone.
Not only you are sucking at drums.
I do too sometimes.
Others as well.
And that’s perfectly fine.
Because we’re no drum machine, after all.
We’re freaking music-loving humans!
As humans, we have the choice to learn and become better.
So, stop worrying about the drumming problems you’re having right now.
Focus on becoming the drummer who’s able to solve them.
Strive to become better. Not wish for the exercises to become easier.
Because let’s be real:
They won’t.
So, are you willing to do what it takes?
Then grab a pair of drum sticks, make some mistakes and learn from them.
Better start now – time will be on your side.
And as I said:
I’m not here to judge or anything.
I just had to learn some lessons myself.
This is one of the most important I’d love to share with you.
What you do about it is as always: up to you.
And I know, you can do great.

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