Drum songs for beginners are a perfect way to practically use what you’ve learned so far.
So in this article, I’d like to present you with 20 eay songs drum beginners can rock to.
Before we start, however, I’d like to talk about what makes a song easy. Also, I want to give a quick reminder:
Just because a song is thought to be easy, it’s not automatically simple. Not the complexity of the grooves or fills is important. Remember: How you play something makes the difference between ok and great.
With this being said, let’s take a closer look what defines a song drum beginners can rock to.
Common characteristics of drum songs for beginners
Table Of Contents
The characteristics of drum songs for beginners tend to include
– a relativley slow tempo
– an easy to understand song structure
– straight grooves
– and drum fills in a constant time like 4/4.
Also, some musicians feel that a song without pauses is quite easy to play.
This might be due to the insecurity of “waiting for the next stroke”. I perfectly understand this. 🙂
However, there can’t be a proper definition of what makes a song suitable for newbies behind the kit.
That’s because each musician has different strengths, weaknesses and goals.
Why I chose the 20 songs for this drumming guide
Some of the songs I’ll be recommending, I played when I started drumming myself some 15 years ago.
I still enjoy rocking to them these days. Hey, those are great pieces of music! 😀
Other songs, however, weren’t released back then.
As I teach drums and percussion, I also like to use them in my music classes now.
So these are 20 of my favorite drum songs for beginners.
Of course, there are many, many more! Keep your eyes and ears open. 🙂
- Something In The Way by Nirvana
- 7 Years by Lukas Graham
- Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door by Guns ‘n’ Roses
- Paranoid by Black Sabbath
- Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes
- 21 Guns by Green Day
- Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz
- Supersonic by Oasis
- Lemon Tree by Fool’s Garden
- Zombie by The Cranberries
- We Will Rock You by Queen
- Should I Stay Or Should I Go by The Clash
- Sugar by Maroon 5
- Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson
- Gimme All Your Lovin’ by ZZ Top
- Lose Yourself by Eminem
- Twist And Shout by The Beatles
- Creep by Radiohead
- Crazy by Gnarls Barkley
- Another Brick In The Wall by Pink Floyd
What drum songs for beginners do you recommend?
As always, I hope you enjoy a great time making music. 🙂
Plus: If you like, I’d also love to read from your favorite songs beginners can drum to.
I’m sure there are plenty of awesome songs out there I don’t even know about.
So, what do you recommend? 🙂
And if you like:
You can also check out my free playalongs Funkey and Happy Birthday to play drums to.

I had just read (& sent to other non-drum muso friends) a great report of extensive research on the testing of the benefits of Drumming. In brief it proved that a. Drumming improves your mental abilities, b. Drummers are pretty damned smart & c. Drummers learn in different ways to other pretty smart people & d. Drummers may be smarter than some other musicians.
I came across this article/blog when it came up in Pinterest to which I subscribe.
I was immediately hooked – just by the title and began reading (without opening the vid clips or getting side traced by hot links).
My first reaction was that this was going to be long winded, repetitive hi hum.
However as began to concentrate & get into your blog, I found it to be both pertinent & spot on. Really excellent, accurate & enlightening.
I had been playing drums since I was 14 for about 5-6 years , but gave it away for 25-35 years of art training, painting then teaching, followed by a double lung transplant in 2002. After recovering from the op, I joined a band and really began to study in depth & practice and have been playing solidly since.
I have studied with Steven Taylor, many seriously gifted tutors within Drumeo, Stephen Clark, Nate of 80/20 & many others along the way.
I found your articles to be exactly in line with all their teachings.
I have taken down your list of 20 songs for beginner drummers and will use it with the occasional beginner drummer I help.
Great job.
Owen Brown (from Oz).
Hi Owen, thanks a lot for your comment and love. 🙂
That’s awesome, and I think I saw a report of it, too.
Guess drummers’ brains are quite interesting for doing research on, right? 😀
Nevertheless, it’s pretty amazing what the human brain is capable of doing.
Haha, I definitely understand your point. 😀 So thanks a lot, this is a big deal for me. 🙂
Speaking of: Your personal way of making art and teaching really is fascinating. It’s so cool to learn about it.
I’m also outstandingly happy that your double lung transplant and your recovering went well.
Besides, your drum teachers are awesome! I know them, or I’d better say their content and art, as well.
So inspiring, and I personally have a deep love for Drumeo. It has helped me a lot, also back in my earlier days. 🙂
Anyway, I’m so happy that you find the list helpful. It’s totally my pleasure and many thanks again!
Have a wonderful Sunday. 🙂
Hi Manu,
It is a good few weeks since I wrote my lengthy comment – you may have written you reply to me several weeks ago, but I want to say thank you for replying in such a full manner.
Just letting you know that I feel incredibly lucky as I have been alive (reading, painting & playing in bands) for over 20 years since my double lung transplant, so I have had possibly 19 years that I may never have had. As well as for my own life, I have helped my son through high school, tertiary college, into a job and helped him to buy a house.
I feel incredibly blessed despite problems that come along with all transplants (like 32 tablets a day to suppress rejection) all of which have their own nasty side effects.
I realised re- reading my first comments that I omitted Rob beat down Brown as one of real influence upon me.
I believe he is one of the coolest, most (apparently) relaxed drummers I have come across who has given great, effective advice & demos. If I could be 3/4 as good as him I would be happy.
All the best for your own scene.
Hi Owen,
no, everything’s perfectly fine. 🙂 I’m also taking a break now, so my replies do take a little while now and then.
And it’s totally my pleasure. Many thanks to you!
Besides, I’m really, really happy for you.
It’s such a pleasure to read that you’re doing well.
And you keep on going, even with the nasty side effects. :-/
Tbh, I’m having goosebumps right now.
Your story is really touching and encouraging.
So thanks again for sharing, I appreciate it a lot.
And YES, I totally see your point.
I have the same feeling with Mark Schulman, the drummer of Pink.
Attending one of his masterclasses some years ago did impact my drumming big time.
Guess there are some people and their influence that stays with us long-term. 🙂
Besides, thanks a lot again, Owen!
All the best for you as well. Really.
Big hugs to you!