How do you get into drumming?
I mean:
How does learning this wonderful instrument look like?
Where do you start?
And what are the essentials for beginners?
Let’s find out today!
Continue reading “How To Get Into Drumming: 3 Essentials For Beginners”Drum Notes, & Tips For Beginners
How do you get into drumming?
I mean:
How does learning this wonderful instrument look like?
Where do you start?
And what are the essentials for beginners?
Let’s find out today!
Continue reading “How To Get Into Drumming: 3 Essentials For Beginners”How do you play quarter notes on the drums?
Great question!
After all, quarters are a crucial note value for drum beginners and beyond.
That’s why I’m going to share some practical tips today.
Let’s start the introduction with the symbol for quarters, shall we? 🙂
Continue reading “Quarter Notes On Drums: An Introduction For Beginners”A drum solo?
What the heck is that?
You can define a solo as a musical story played on the drum kit.
This story can be shorter or longer, depending on
And how do you master the art of playing a drum solo?
This practical drumming guide will provide you with some helpful tips.
Continue reading “What The Heck Is A Drum Solo?”What is a groove in drumming?
If you’re new to playing the drums, this question will pop up sooner or later.
I will explain the term in this beginner’s guide today.
Let’s go! 🙂
Continue reading “Drumming Terms Made Easy: What Is A Groove?”Which essential drumming skills are the most important?
Do you need to focus on
Yes, you should definitely work on these skills.
However, there are more essentials to master.
Let’s call them the fundamentals you should definitely be aware of.
If you master them, playing the drums becomes not only much easier.
It also becomes even more fun.
What are these three fundamentals, then?
Continue reading “3 Essential Drumming Skills To Be Aware Of”You’re struggling with drumming blisters?
But where did they come from?
And how can you avoid drumming blisters?
Let’s find out in this short guide.
Continue reading “Drumming Blisters And How To Avoid Them”So, you want to buy your first electronic drum kit.
But which one is the best pick for you?
Personally, I recommend electronic drums by Roland.
They are also known as V-Drums, offering everything needed to learn playing the drums right from the start.
I’ve been using my Roland TD-1DMK since 2019.
If you’ve watched some of my YouTube videos, you might already know it.
That’s why I recommend their electronic drum kits:
I’m convinced they are worth your money.
Obviously, there have to be various reasons why I recommend Roland electronic drum sets for beginners.
We’ll take a look at 10 of their benefits in this drumming guide.
Please notice:
I’m solely sharing my personal
to help you find the best electronic drum set.
This guide is not sponsored by Roland.
With that said, let’s take a look at the first benefit:
Continue reading “Roland Electronic Drums: 10 Reasons Why I Recommend Them”Are drum lessons worth your cash?
After all, you could teach yourself to play the drums.
However, there are some powerful benefits to drum lessons you simply can’t ignore.
Let’s take a look at 13 of them in this drumming guide.
Continue reading “Why Drum Lessons? 13 Powerful Benefits You Can’t Ignore”What is a drum fill?
And how can you tell it apart from a drum groove or beat?
In this short guide for beginners, you’ll learn
This knowledge will not only help you understand your drumming exercises better.
It will also give you precious insights on why you’re playing what you’re playing on the drum kit.
Sounds great?
Agreed! 😀
Continue reading “What Is A Drum Fill?”You’ve been criticized as a drummer?
Ouch … not cool.
Not at all.
Being criticized hurts.
It’s a shitty feeling, and you might be discouraged right now.
Totally understandable.
I’ve been criticized, too, you know.
That’s why I’m writing this guide today.
As a fellow drummer, I want to show you that
Yes, you’re able to take great advantage of the criticism you received.
So, read on.
You might be surprised.
Continue reading “Been Criticized As A Drummer? Read On!”