The Disco Drum Beat Every Drummer Should Learn

Easy disco drum beat for beginners PDF notes free

The disco drum beat is an awesome groove to learn.

It’s catchy, versatile, and makes people dance with a smile on their faces.

Basically, it’s a must-know drum beat for every drummer.

But how do you play the disco groove?

Let’s find out today. 🙂

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5 Beginner-Friendly Four On The Floor Drum Beats (PDF Notes)

Drum Notes for beginners free PDF

Four on the floor drum beats?

Ever heard of them?

You better have, because they are one superb addition to your drumming library!

They not only sound cool but are also fun and versatile to play.

Basically, you can use them in various musical situations.

That’s why we’re going to look at 5 four on the floor drum beats for beginners today.

Free PDF notes with all the grooves included. 🙂

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5 Savvy Tips On How To Find Your Own Drumming Style

5 tips on how to find your own drumming style

How do I find my own drumming style?

Back in my early years as a drummer, I’ve been asking myself this question a lot.

I also know many other drummers would love to know more about this topic.

Could I find an answer to this frequently asked question, then?


And that’s why I’m going to share 5 savvy tips with you today.

They will help you find your own drum style, too.

Ready to express yourself? 🙂

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The Importance Of Ear Training For Beginner Drummers

Ideas And Tips On Ear Training For Beginner Drummers

How important is ear training for beginner drummers?

You see, learning to play the drums is not just about keeping a steady beat.

It’s also not about nailing fancy fills or mastering certain drumming techniques.

Instead, learning the drums demands a keen sense of

For this reason, ear training is a vital aspect of becoming the drummer you want to be.

That’s why in today’s drumming guide, I’m going to provide you with 7 outstandingly helpful ideas to enhance your listening skills.


We’ll explore the significance of ear training for beginner drummers to start with.

This will help you understand and train your ears in the most practical way.

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A Super Helpful Drumming Exercise For Developing Your Limb Independence

Drum Exercise For Limb Independence

How can you successfully develop your limb independence on the drums?

Literally, there are endless ways to do so.

In this short guide, I’ll show you one of my favorite limb independence exercises.

But be warned:

It might sound easy, but it turns out to be a tough challenge for many drummers.

Continue reading “A Super Helpful Drumming Exercise For Developing Your Limb Independence”

Do You Need To Practice Drumming Daily?

Practice The Drums Daily Important

You should practice drumming daily.

At least if you want to become a skilled drummer.

I’m sure you’ve heard this advice before.

But is it really true?

Do you need to practice drumming daily?

Let’s find out.

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The Most Important Exercise For Drum Beginners Explained

Drum exercise for beginners tips

What’s the most important exercise for drum beginners?

Is it

  • learning our 40 rudiments,
  • mastering limb independence,
  • getting comfortable with a certain technique?

Well …


The most important drum exercise is the one most beginner drummers tend to overlook.

Maybe you as well?

Continue reading “The Most Important Exercise For Drum Beginners Explained”

5 Time-Savers For Stressed Out Drummers

Time-savers for drummers tips

The best time-savers for stressed drummers?




Sure, I will. 🙂

Each tip in this drumming guide is tried and tested.

Feel free to give your top picks a try as well.

Oh, and before I forget:

I’m talking about the negative version of stress in this drumming guide.

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Bossa Nova Drum Beat: A Step-by-Step Guide

How To Play Bossa Nova Drum Beat

The bossa nova drum beat definitely is a musical gem you will love:

This Brazilian groove not only is fun to play, but also really smooth sounding as well.

In addition, it can be a motivating challenge for drum beginners.

That’s why in today’s step-by-step guide, I’m sharing a favorite bossa nova drum beat.

We’re starting with the bass drum pattern in eighth notes as it is the fundation of our groove.

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