Fear Of Drumming Failure? How To Do It Anyway

fear of drumming

Holy crap!

There’s this undeniable fear of drumming failure taking over your body and mind.

Can you feel it?

Maybe you’re going to jam with others for the first time.

Or there’s something totally different scaring the shit out of you.

You might feel paralyzed.

Like, you simply just can’t do it.

And yet, I need to scream it from the top of my lungs:

Do it anyway!

After all, the best way to overcome your fear of drumming failure is right through it.

Unsurprisingly, I’m writing from personal experiences.

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About Finding Musical Strength In Taking A Break

Taking a break drumming musical strength

It’s been quite silent on this blog drumming lately.

I haven’t published a post in months.

No new tips or drums sheet music.

Obviously, FOMO is nothing I’m worried about.

But why the break?

Basically, I needed time to think.

It was time for me to get my shit together.


However, I don’t regret taking a break.

Simply because

Breaks can be outstandingly powerful.

The same applies to drumming.

Continue reading “About Finding Musical Strength In Taking A Break”

Tip: A Free PDF E-Book With 240+ Famous Drum Beats

Famous drum beats free PDF

Learning famous drum beats is a fantastic idea.

After all, the grooves are well-known for a reason.

Or, more accurately, for various reasons.

Famous drum beats tend to be

  • highly musical,
  • have a catchy character
  • and are highly recognizable.


The grooves might give you a motivational challenge to learn them.

It’s also likely that you already know them.

Sounds awesome?


And that’s why I’m going to share an awesome tip with you today:

Continue reading “Tip: A Free PDF E-Book With 240+ Famous Drum Beats”

The 7 Best Ways To Practice Drums Away From Home

Tips ideas practice drums away from home

Can you practice drums away from home?

Is this possible?

Yes, definitely!

I know this first hand. 🙂

And these are my 7 best ways to practice drums away from home:

Continue reading “The 7 Best Ways To Practice Drums Away From Home”

The Very First Song You Can Learn On Drums

Tips first song to learn on drums

Which song should I learn first on drums?

That’s a quite common and understandable question.

After all, there are many, many beginner-friendly songs out there.

You’re totally new to drums?

In this case, make sure to check out this song:

Continue reading “The Very First Song You Can Learn On Drums”

Is Taking A Break From Drumming A Good Idea?

Taking a break from drumming experiences

Is taking a break from drumming a good idea?

Will you miss out on something?

Or even worse:

Will you destroy the progress you’ve made so far?

These are highly important questions I’m going to answer today.

After all, it’s a common belief that you need to

  • practice,
  • practice more
  • and practice even more

to become a skilled drummer.

But how true is this common belief really?

Can you take a break from drumming and still become a superb drummer?

Continue reading “Is Taking A Break From Drumming A Good Idea?”

How To Become A Better Drummer: 3 Core Principles To Follow

Become better drummer tips principles

You want to become a better drummer?


You’ve come to the right place. 🙂

In this compact drumming guide, you’ll learn about 3 core principles helping you to transform your drumming skills.

Continue reading “How To Become A Better Drummer: 3 Core Principles To Follow”

How To Drum Faster: The Basic Rule

How To Drum Faster

Everybody wants to drum faster, right?

The good news is:

Everybody can drum faster.

It’s no rocket science.

But how can you increase your speed around the kit?

Let’s find out today.

But please notice:

This drumming guide is a great read for you if you want to play the drums up to 200 BPM.

Personally, I’m no speed metal drummer, and I don’t play crazy fast uptempo swing either.

I’m sure my tips work for such tempos as well, but I can’t prove it myself.

And no, I don’t intend to practice until I can prove it. 😉

Want to drum up to 200 BPM?

Read on!

Continue reading “How To Drum Faster: The Basic Rule”

14 Basic Rock Drum Beats (+ Free PDF Notes!)

Rock drum beats for beginners PDF

Basic rock drum beats are awesome!

They sound fantastic and are relatively easy to learn.

Plus, they have this certain feel to them.

You know it:

They make your head bang with utterly joy! 🙂

For this reason, I thought of sharing some of the best basic rock drum beats for beginners today.

Please notice:

This drumming guide also includes a free PDF and helpful practice tips for you.

Continue reading “14 Basic Rock Drum Beats (+ Free PDF Notes!)”

3 Essential Drumming Skills To Be Aware Of

Essential drumming skills explained

Which essential drumming skills are the most important?

Do you need to focus on

  • keeping the tempo?
  • mesmerizing a lot of beats?
  • understanding rhythmic characteristics?

Yes, you should definitely work on these skills.

However, there are more essentials to master.

Let’s call them the fundamentals you should definitely be aware of.

If you master them, playing the drums becomes not only much easier.

It also becomes even more fun.

What are these three fundamentals, then?

Continue reading “3 Essential Drumming Skills To Be Aware Of”