Fear Of Drumming Failure? How To Do It Anyway

fear of drumming

Holy crap!

There’s this undeniable fear of drumming failure taking over your body and mind.

Can you feel it?

Maybe you’re going to jam with others for the first time.

Or there’s something totally different scaring the shit out of you.

You might feel paralyzed.

Like, you simply just can’t do it.

And yet, I need to scream it from the top of my lungs:

Do it anyway!

After all, the best way to overcome your fear of drumming failure is right through it.

Unsurprisingly, I’m writing from personal experiences.

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Tip: A Free PDF E-Book With 240+ Famous Drum Beats

Famous drum beats free PDF

Learning famous drum beats is a fantastic idea.

After all, the grooves are well-known for a reason.

Or, more accurately, for various reasons.

Famous drum beats tend to be

  • highly musical,
  • have a catchy character
  • and are highly recognizable.


The grooves might give you a motivational challenge to learn them.

It’s also likely that you already know them.

Sounds awesome?


And that’s why I’m going to share an awesome tip with you today:

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The 7 Best Ways To Practice Drums Away From Home

Tips ideas practice drums away from home

Can you practice drums away from home?

Is this possible?

Yes, definitely!

I know this first hand. 🙂

And these are my 7 best ways to practice drums away from home:

Continue reading “The 7 Best Ways To Practice Drums Away From Home”

How To Get Into Drumming: 3 Essentials For Beginners

Get into drumming how to tips

How do you get into drumming?

I mean:

How does learning this wonderful instrument look like?

Where do you start?

And what are the essentials for beginners?

Let’s find out today!

Continue reading “How To Get Into Drumming: 3 Essentials For Beginners”

Drumming Terms Made Easy: What Is A Groove?

Drum groove explained

What is a groove in drumming?

If you’re new to playing the drums, this question will pop up sooner or later.

I will explain the term in this beginner’s guide today.

Let’s go! 🙂

Continue reading “Drumming Terms Made Easy: What Is A Groove?”

Is Taking A Break From Drumming A Good Idea?

Taking a break from drumming experiences

Is taking a break from drumming a good idea?

Will you miss out on something?

Or even worse:

Will you destroy the progress you’ve made so far?

These are highly important questions I’m going to answer today.

After all, it’s a common belief that you need to

  • practice,
  • practice more
  • and practice even more

to become a skilled drummer.

But how true is this common belief really?

Can you take a break from drumming and still become a superb drummer?

Continue reading “Is Taking A Break From Drumming A Good Idea?”

What’s The Best Part Of Playing The Drums?

Playing the drums best part opinion

What’s the best part of playing the drums?

That’s a question that literally popped up in my mind.

Some time ago, I wrote about the hardest part of being a drummer.

Today, it’s time to shift our focus.

That’s why I’m going to share my opinion on what’s the best part of drumming.

Continue reading “What’s The Best Part Of Playing The Drums?”

My Best Tip On Drum Practice Time Management For Busy Adults

Drum practice tips time management for adult beginners

You’re struggling with your drum practice time management?

Totally understandable.

The thing is:

When you’re an adult, you’ve got a lot of tasks to accomplish every day.

Balancing drumming with work, family and other commitments can be daunting.

For this reason, I’m going to share my best tip on drum practice time management in this compact guide.

This will help you

  • progress faster on the drums while
  • become less stressed caring for your loved ones
  • and balance drumming with your work in general.
Continue reading “My Best Tip On Drum Practice Time Management For Busy Adults”

5 Beginner-Friendly Four On The Floor Drum Beats (PDF Notes)

Drum Notes for beginners free PDF

Four on the floor drum beats?

Ever heard of them?

You better have, because they are one superb addition to your drumming library!

They not only sound cool but are also fun and versatile to play.

Basically, you can use them in various musical situations.

That’s why we’re going to look at 5 four on the floor drum beats for beginners today.

Free PDF notes with all the grooves included. 🙂

Continue reading “5 Beginner-Friendly Four On The Floor Drum Beats (PDF Notes)”

Roland Electronic Drums: 10 Reasons Why I Recommend Them

Roland electric drums opinion

So, you want to buy your first electronic drum kit.

But which one is the best pick for you?

Personally, I recommend electronic drums by Roland.

They are also known as V-Drums, offering everything needed to learn playing the drums right from the start.

I’ve been using my Roland TD-1DMK since 2019.

If you’ve watched some of my YouTube videos, you might already know it.

That’s why I recommend their electronic drum kits:

I’m convinced they are worth your money.

Obviously, there have to be various reasons why I recommend Roland electronic drum sets for beginners.

We’ll take a look at 10 of their benefits in this drumming guide.

Please notice:

I’m solely sharing my personal

  • thoughts,
  • experiences
  • and opinion

to help you find the best electronic drum set.

This guide is not sponsored by Roland.

With that said, let’s take a look at the first benefit:

Continue reading “Roland Electronic Drums: 10 Reasons Why I Recommend Them”