You’re Bored Playing The Drums? 7 Tips To Enjoy Drumming Again

Tips bored playing drums

When you’re bored playing the drums, making music just isn’t what it used to be.

It might feel like another to-do on your daily list.

Maybe you even resist to playing drums at all.

Will this be the end of your musical journey?

No, it doesn’t have to.

Being bored playing the drums does happen for various reasons.

The good news is:

You can do something about it.

In this drumming guide, you will find 7 tips helping you enjoy drumming again.

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I’ve Been Playing The Drums For More Than 15 Years: Here’s What I Learned

Playing the drums for over 15 years

I’ve been playing the drums since I was a teenager.

Being a 31-year-old woman now, I’m still in love with this instrument.

When I was younger, I also dreamt of being a drum teacher.

Helping others create a more joyful life thanks to the power of music:

This is my motivation to this day on.

Drumming is love, so it’s always a good time to share it.

I also feel outstandingly blessed to say:

In 2023, I’ve been teaching drums (and other instruments like the cajon) for 10 years.

Therefore, it might be the right time to share some of my most important learnings with you.

With that said:

I’ve got over 15 years of drumming under my belt.

What did I learn during this time?

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5 Painful Drumming Mistakes I Made & What You Can Learn From Them

Drumming mistakes tips for beginners

Learning the drums? Get ready to face some drumming mistakes!

Hey, I’m just being honest.

And after all, we all know them, right?

The mistakes we ALL make as a drummer.

Everybody struggles when starting-out to play the drums.

Still, I struggle after being a drummer half of my life.

No big deal, that’s normal.

You might struggle as well, and get over your drumming mistakes.

Maybe you made some bigger ones like me.

And hey … that’s perfectly fine!

Just remember:

Making mistakes not only is a normal part of the drumming game.

They will also help you to become the musician you long to be.

When you learn from your mistakes, they can become your biggest and most precious lessons.

Trust me: I made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot as a consequence.

That’s the best reason for sharing my 5 biggest drumming mistakes with you today.

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3 Rules Of How To Become A Successful Drummer

Tips how to become a successful drummer

How can you become a successful drummer?

That’s a great question.

In today’s article, we’re going to answer it.

I’m sharing 3 rules helping you crack this goal.

Please notice:

This article is not for you when you’re searching for tips and hacks to sharpen your drumming skills.

It’s about becoming a successful drummer in terms of a way of life.

Also, they are key elements for making a proper living by drumming and beyond.

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What Do You Learn From Drumming?

What to learn by drumming

What do you learn from drumming?

Well …

I guess to play the drums? 😀


Not so funny joke aside: There’s more to it.

Learning to play the drums has quite some benefits to offer.

Finally, it’s not about hitting a bunch of drums and cymbals by accidents.

There’s a lot to learn from drumming besides of cool beats and rhythms.

In this article, let’s dig into the mindset part of learning this lovely set of instruments.

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108 Reasons Why Drumming Is Good For You

benefits of drumming

Why drumming is good for you? Well, I could give you a whole list of reasons. But …

Nope, I actually will.

That’s what I’m going to do:

Right below, you’ll find my 108 best reasons why drumming is good for you.

Most of them I have experienced by myself.

Others are proved by scientific research.

If you want to have an additional reason added, share your thoughts in the comments below.

But now, let’s start with my ultimate feel drumming feel good list. 🙂

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How To Finally Start Believing In Yourself As a Drummer

Start believing in yourself as a drummer

Do you believe in yourself as a drummer?

Or would you say that you’re at maximum an ok musician?

Maybe you’re just experiencing a not so nice episode in your musical journey right now.

You literally think everything you do or play suck.

But this will pass by. Even if you don’t see the end of this exhausting stage now.

It could be that you lack self-confidence as a drummer as well.

Know this nagging feeling?

Also, it does not have to be triggered by any external event.

You just feel like you suck at drumming.

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What Kind Of Drummer Do You Want To Be?

Kinds of drummers

He took a glimpse into the mirror: Wide eyes, small lips. 12 wrinkles on his forehead. He had done it many times before. Simply looking into the mirror. See what’s there. And ask one single question: What kind of drummer do you want to be?

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Why Great Drumming Doesn’t Need To Be Complex

Great drumming not complex

Great drumming … Look at her!

She’s such an awesome drummer.

Wow, I bet she must have the best drumming technique on earth.

Said no one ever.

Ok, some actually do.

And hey, I don’t blame them.

But does great drumming REALLY equal complex beats, fills and time signatures?

For me? Nope. Not at all.

Here’s why.

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