3 Instant Tips On How You Can Become More Confident As A Drum Starter

Confident drum starter tipps

Being confident as a drum starter is not always easy. I know, I know. There are many things you still need to master. And want to.

Also, what you’re playing sometimes doesn’t sound that good in your ears. Overall, you feel pretty insecure about what you’re doing around the drum kit.

How should you become more confident as a drum starter then? Don’t worry, it’s actually not a rocket science kind of task.

The 3 instant tips will help you become more confident from now on.

Let’s look into them, shall we? 🙂

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How You Can Establish A Healthy Mindset As A Drummer

Healthy mindset drummer tips

A healthy mindset? Sure, got it!


You see, being a drummer is simply awesome.

However, it can give you a hard time too. I

It can even make your day worse.

Manu, what are you talking about?

Hear me on.

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Sucking At Drums? Here’s The One Thing You Must Know

Sucking at drums tips

One thing: There’s only one thing you have to know when you feel like you’re sucking at drums.

What is this little secret?

Let’s take a look at it in this drumming guide.

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How To Motivate Yourself To Practice The Drums Regularly

Practice the drums regularly tips

Practice the drums regularly:

That’s crucial when you like to become the musician you want to be.

However, it’s sometimes a tough task to sit down behind the kit and just do the work.

To help you find your personal drumming routine, you’ll find tried and tested tips in this helpful guide.

But first, let’s take a look at why practicing the drums regularly is so important for achieving your goals.

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Is It Difficult To Play The Drums?

Play the drums difficult

Is it difficult to play the drums? That’s a question I’ve been hearing and answering a lot. To be honest, I perfectly understand it. Let’s be real:

Drumming might look easy. And for some part, it definitely is. But of course, that’s only one side of the medal. Because drumming can be a tough challenge too.

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For Drummers: 3 Crucial Tips On How To Stay Motivated When Times Are Rough

How to stay motivated when times are rough tips for drummers

How to stay motivated when times are rough?

Heck, that’s a good question – not only for drummers!

I mean:

Each of us has those days when things don’t turn out as we initially planned, right?

Being a musician for some years now, I know rough times too well.

But that’s OK, because I really learned a lot going through them.

So in today’s article, I want to share 3 tips helping you to stay motivated when … yeah, when you’re having some trouble.

Trust me:

Things might be rough but better times are always awaiting around the corner.

So let’s rock them! 🙂

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