Setting drumming goals can be crucial to become the musician you want to be. That’s because they help you to focus. In addition, they keep you motivated when times are rough. That’s also highly important!
Continue reading “3 Ways To Finally Achieve Your Drumming Goals”Tag: Drumming Basics
For Drummers: 3 Crucial Tips On How To Stay Motivated When Times Are Rough
How to stay motivated when times are rough?
Heck, that’s a good question – not only for drummers!
I mean:
Each of us has those days when things don’t turn out as we initially planned, right?
Being a musician for some years now, I know rough times too well.
But that’s OK, because I really learned a lot going through them.
So in today’s article, I want to share 3 tips helping you to stay motivated when … yeah, when you’re having some trouble.
Trust me:
Things might be rough but better times are always awaiting around the corner.
So let’s rock them! 🙂
Continue reading “For Drummers: 3 Crucial Tips On How To Stay Motivated When Times Are Rough”20 Easy Songs Drum Beginners Can Rock To!
Drum songs for beginners are a perfect way to practically use what you’ve learned so far.
So in this article, I’d like to present you with 20 eay songs drum beginners can rock to.
Continue reading “20 Easy Songs Drum Beginners Can Rock To!”You’re A Drum Beginner? 3 Crucial Things You Have To Know!
As a drum beginner, there lies a great musical journey ahead of you.
What I can say from the bottom of my heart: Enjoy it!
It will be a crazy as well as a joyful ride. 🙂
However, I’m sure you know the saying:
Each medal has two sides to it.
Being a drum beginner or musician in general is no exception.
So in this drumming guide, you’ll learn about 3 things I wish I knew when I was a newbie behind the kit.
Continue reading “You’re A Drum Beginner? 3 Crucial Things You Have To Know!”New Into Drumming? My Most Important Advice
When you’re new into drumming, everything might seem a little overwhelming.
And I’m not only talking about the good, but also the not so lovely things.
The great news is: You’re entering a world full of joy and wonderful experience ahead. Enjoy your stay! 🙂
Continue reading “New Into Drumming? My Most Important Advice”Drumming As A Hobby: Science vs My Opinion
Drumming is your hobby?
Great choice!
Why so?
In this drumming guide, I’ll write about the greatest benefits of you playing the drums according to science.
Then I’ll compare them with my own experience.
Ready for some mash-up of facts and thoughts?
Nice, let’s do this! 🙂
Continue reading “Drumming As A Hobby: Science vs My Opinion”Is Reading Sheet Music Important For Drummers?
Is reading sheet music really that important for drummers?
That’s a question I’ve been asked a lot.
To be honest, I love drums sheet music. I do not always use it, however. But when I do it helps me a lot. 😉
In this article, I’d like to show you the greatest advantages of being a good reader first.
Then you’ll learn why I always teach reading skills in my drum lessons.
Continue reading “Is Reading Sheet Music Important For Drummers?”How To Practice Drumming: Crucial Basics For Beginners
Practice drumming on a regular base is the key to become a great musician.
However, it isn’t always clear how to start your hard hitting journey.
Or what’s meant by the concept of practicing after all.
If you agree and don’t know how you should fill your practice time or start drumming in general, my blog hopefully will help you out. 🙂
Continue reading “How To Practice Drumming: Crucial Basics For Beginners”Start Drumming And How To Overcome The Fear Of It
Start drumming?
These two words can change your life forever.
I remember my first day as a drummer like it was yesterday.
However, it actually has been more than 15 years since I first hit the kit!
But why am I telling this?
You see, as an drum instructor and female drummer I’ve been confronted a lot with inscecurities about playing the drums.
Continue reading “Start Drumming And How To Overcome The Fear Of It”Are You A Good Drummer Or Not? Here’s How You Can Find Out
Are you a good drummer?
Or not?
That’s certainly a tough question to answer.
I mean:
What is a good drummer in the first place?
So, to help you answer the question, I’m going to share my opinion on what I believe makes a good drummer good.
Continue reading “Are You A Good Drummer Or Not? Here’s How You Can Find Out”