How To Jam With Other Musicians As A Drum Beginner

Tips for drum beginners on how to jam with other musicians

You’re a drum beginner, and you’re finally going to jam with other musicians?

Great idea!

There’s a lot of fun waiting just around the corner. 🙂

At the same time, you might wonder:

How can you collaborate and jam with other musicians?

After all, that’s a whole new experience for you.

In this drumming guide, you’ll find some tried and tested tips helping you successfully prepare for your jam sessions.

You’ll also learn about things you should avoid when collaborating with other musicians.

But first, let’s answer this frequently asked question:

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Essential Drumming Equipment Every Beginner Needs

Guide essential drumming equipment for beginners

Certain drumming equipment for beginners is essential if you want to learn the drums properly.

For this reason, I’m sharing 13 must-haves a novice drummer needs.

Some of the equipment like a high-quality drum set is obvious, while other utensils might surprise you.

With that said, let’s take a look at essential drumming equipment every beginner should own.

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You’re Bored Playing The Drums? 7 Tips To Enjoy Drumming Again

Tips bored playing drums

When you’re bored playing the drums, making music just isn’t what it used to be.

It might feel like another to-do on your daily list.

Maybe you even resist to playing drums at all.

Will this be the end of your musical journey?

No, it doesn’t have to.

Being bored playing the drums does happen for various reasons.

The good news is:

You can do something about it.

In this drumming guide, you will find 7 tips helping you enjoy drumming again.

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Drum Notes For Beginners: How To Read & Understand Them

Drum notes explained beginners guide

Are drum notes for beginners hard to learn?

How do they look like?

And what else should you know about drums sheet music?

In this guide, you’ll learn how to easily read & understand drum notes.

We’ll have a look at the notation for a standard drum kit, including the

  • bass drum or kick,
  • snare drum,
  • toms

as well as the

  • hi-hat,
  • crash
  • and ride


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Why Drumming Is So Much Fun, You Ask?

Reasons why drumming is fun

Why drumming is so much fun?

There are various great reasons for learning to play the drums.

Which ones, you ask?

I’m going to share some personal thoughts on this topic.

Maybe you want to do so as well?

Feel free to comment why drumming is so much fun for you. 🙂

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Bossa Nova Drum Beat: A Step-by-Step Guide

How To Play Bossa Nova Drum Beat

The bossa nova drum beat definitely is a musical gem you will love:

This Brazilian groove not only is fun to play, but also really smooth sounding as well.

In addition, it can be a motivating challenge for drum beginners.

That’s why in today’s step-by-step guide, I’m sharing a favorite bossa nova drum beat.

We’re starting with the bass drum pattern in eighth notes as it is the fundation of our groove.

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How Long Does It Take To Learn Drums: According To A Drum Teacher

How much time does it take to learn the drums

How long does it take to learn drums?

As a drum teacher, I’ve heard this question a lot.

Are you wondering as well?

Then it’s time to find your answer:

How long will it take you to learn drums?

Spoiler alert:

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Your 1st Blues Shuffle Drum Beat Made Easy

Blues drumming shuffle beat for beginners

Are you ready for your 1st blues shuffle drum beat?

Yeah, awesome! 🙂

My free drum notes will help you master this awesome groove.

Feel free to download the PDF and start learning your first shuffle on the drums.

It’s a versatile groove I’m sure you will love to play.

Speaking of:

To help you get the feeling for the blues on drums, I will also link a video with a great tune in this blog post.

It’s a drumless track in 6/8, but you can also use it for practicing our blues shuffle.

And now, let’s take a look at the bluesy beat, shall we? 🙂

Continue reading “Your 1st Blues Shuffle Drum Beat Made Easy”

Play The Drums Barefoot? Here’s Why I Prefer Shoes

Play the drums barefoot

Some play the drums barefoot.

Other drummers wear socks.

Or shoes.

What about you?

How do you drum?

I used to go for socks when I started out as a female drummer.

However, I changed to drumming with shoes some time ago.

But what is actually better?

Play the drums barefoot, with shoes or maybe socks?

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For Best Progress: How Long & How Often Practice Drums As A Beginner?

How long and often practice drums beginners

How long should you practice the drums as a beginner?

And should you practice every day for best progress?

These are two frequently asked questions by drum beginners.

In this article, I’m going to answer both for you.

Let’s start off with this one:

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