How To Finally Start Believing In Yourself As a Drummer

Start believing in yourself as a drummer

Do you believe in yourself as a drummer?

Or would you say that you’re at maximum an ok musician?

Maybe you’re just experiencing a not so nice episode in your musical journey right now.

You literally think everything you do or play suck.

But this will pass by. Even if you don’t see the end of this exhausting stage now.

It could be that you lack self-confidence as a drummer as well.

Know this nagging feeling?

Also, it does not have to be triggered by any external event.

You just feel like you suck at drumming.

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What Kind Of Drummer Do You Want To Be?

Kinds of drummers

He took a glimpse into the mirror: Wide eyes, small lips. 12 wrinkles on his forehead. He had done it many times before. Simply looking into the mirror. See what’s there. And ask one single question: What kind of drummer do you want to be?

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How You Can Establish A Healthy Mindset As A Drummer

Healthy mindset drummer tips

A healthy mindset? Sure, got it!


You see, being a drummer is simply awesome.

However, it can give you a hard time too. I

It can even make your day worse.

Manu, what are you talking about?

Hear me on.

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How To Motivate Yourself To Practice The Drums Regularly

Practice the drums regularly tips

Practice the drums regularly:

That’s crucial when you like to become the musician you want to be.

However, it’s sometimes a tough task to sit down behind the kit and just do the work.

To help you find your personal drumming routine, you’ll find tried and tested tips in this helpful guide.

But first, let’s take a look at why practicing the drums regularly is so important for achieving your goals.

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Why You Shouldn’t Compare Yourself To Other Drummers

Why you shouldn't compare yourself to other drummers

Do you compare yourself to other drummers?

And if so: Why?

Do you think it helps you to become better?

Or do you do it just for the fun of it?

To be perfectly honest, I too used to compare myself to other drummers back in my beginner days.

I guess that’s the nature of us humans:

We want to be better than … Or at least be as good as …

Am I right? 🙂

However, comparing yourself to person X or Y doesn’t help you.

On the contrary, it’s mostly a waste of your precious time.

At least that’s what I learned a long time ago.

Let’s take a closer look at it.

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