How To Motivate Yourself To Practice The Drums Regularly

Practice the drums regularly tips

Practice the drums regularly:

That’s crucial when you like to become the musician you want to be.

However, it’s sometimes a tough task to sit down behind the kit and just do the work.

To help you find your personal drumming routine, you’ll find tried and tested tips in this helpful guide.

But first, let’s take a look at why practicing the drums regularly is so important for achieving your goals.

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Is It Difficult To Play The Drums?

Play the drums difficult

Is it difficult to play the drums? That’s a question I’ve been hearing and answering a lot. To be honest, I perfectly understand it. Let’s be real:

Drumming might look easy. And for some part, it definitely is. But of course, that’s only one side of the medal. Because drumming can be a tough challenge too.

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For Drummers: 3 Crucial Tips On How To Stay Motivated When Times Are Rough

How to stay motivated when times are rough tips for drummers

How to stay motivated when times are rough?

Heck, that’s a good question – not only for drummers!

I mean:

Each of us has those days when things don’t turn out as we initially planned, right?

Being a musician for some years now, I know rough times too well.

But that’s OK, because I really learned a lot going through them.

So in today’s article, I want to share 3 tips helping you to stay motivated when … yeah, when you’re having some trouble.

Trust me:

Things might be rough but better times are always awaiting around the corner.

So let’s rock them! 🙂

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Why You Shouldn’t Compare Yourself To Other Drummers

Why you shouldn't compare yourself to other drummers

Do you compare yourself to other drummers?

And if so: Why?

Do you think it helps you to become better?

Or do you do it just for the fun of it?

To be perfectly honest, I too used to compare myself to other drummers back in my beginner days.

I guess that’s the nature of us humans:

We want to be better than … Or at least be as good as …

Am I right? 🙂

However, comparing yourself to person X or Y doesn’t help you.

On the contrary, it’s mostly a waste of your precious time.

At least that’s what I learned a long time ago.

Let’s take a closer look at it.

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3 Awesome Reasons For Making Music

Making music reasons

Do you love making music?

Or are you thinking about learning an instrument right now?

If so, what are your reasons for this?

As I love making music myself, I’m going to write about my personal reasons to rock.

Maybe they inspire you to grab a pair of drum sticks too?

That’ll be awesome – so let’s go! 🙂

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You’re A Drum Beginner? 3 Crucial Things You Have To Know!

You're a drum beginner? 3 things you have to know!

As a drum beginner, there lies a great musical journey ahead of you.

What I can say from the bottom of my heart: Enjoy it!

It will be a crazy as well as a joyful ride. 🙂

However, I’m sure you know the saying:

Each medal has two sides to it.

Being a drum beginner or musician in general is no exception.

So in this drumming guide, you’ll learn about 3 things I wish I knew when I was a newbie behind the kit.

Continue reading “You’re A Drum Beginner? 3 Crucial Things You Have To Know!”

New Into Drumming? My Most Important Advice

New into drumming - the most important advice

When you’re new into drumming, everything might seem a little overwhelming.

And I’m not only talking about the good, but also the not so lovely things.

The great news is: You’re entering a world full of joy and wonderful experience ahead. Enjoy your stay! 🙂

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