The ONE Samba Drum Beat You Have To Know

Samba Drum Beat 16th notes

Looking for a fun samba drum beat to learn?

Great idea!

These grooves are not only a lot of fun to play, but also a wonderful exercise.

On top, they sound fantastic.

That’s why I’m sharing my all-time favorite samba drum beat with you today.

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Read This Before Buying Cheap Drums For Beginners

Tips buying cheap drums for beginners

Cheap drums for beginners seem to be a no-brainer:

You just want to start out on a small buck and see if you like to learn the drum set.

Fact is, you don’t want to spend too much as a newbie behind the kit.

Also, it could be that you simply don’t have a lot of money for buying a drum set.

That also is a damn good reason for choosing an affordable kit.

No matter which reason you have looking for cheap drums:

It’s totally understandable.

On the other hand, I’m a drum teacher. So I need to state this too:

Don’t compromise too much when purchasing a drum kit.

Here’s why.

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3 Highly Productive Things To Do Today As A Drummer

Highly productive things to do drum

Wondering about productive things to do today as a drummer? Awesome question.

Better answer:

In this article, you’ll find 3 great ideas to spice up your drum set practice routine from today on.

Let’s rock them, shall we?

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How Do Drummers Keep Tempo?

Drummer Tempo and Timing

So you’ve seen a great drummer at a gig. The guy or girl was playing awesome. You definitely had to wonder: Wow, how do drummers keep tempo?

I mean: It’s almost like you’re listening to a clock, right?

And yes, you kind of are.

It’s the so-called inner clock skilled drummers rely on.

The outer clock’s important too.

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The Best Drum Seat I’ve Ever Had

Best Drum Seat Review

Being a drummer? Well, then we have something in common: Not only are we both drummers, but we also sit a lot. So we should really do ourselves a favor and get the best drum seat we can get for our money.

That’s not only good for our health, but also a big plus for our drumming skills.

The truth is:

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Is Playing Drums In An Apartment Impossible?

Can you play drums in an apartment?

Playing drums is great. Playing drums in an apartment … Well, it depends.

To be honest: Most of the time, it’s a tough task to master.

We don’t have to talk about the reasons, right?

However, you can make playing drums in an apartment work with a few adjustments. So it’s not impossible.


Let’s look into it, shall we?

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