Basic Blues Drum Beat Free PDF Notes & More

Basic Blues Drum Beats Beginners

The basic blues drum beat is a great one.

It does not only sound lovey, but also is a lot of fun to play.

However, there’s a BIG question popping up: What is a basic blues drum beat?

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about it as a drum beginner.

You’ll also find free drum notes with some fancy blues beats to get you started.

Ready to rock? Great, let’s go.

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Drum Practice: And What’s Next?

Drum set what practice next

What should you practice next? There’s just so much to learn on the drums.

Argh, I’m really stuck right now. Not cool!

Sounds familiar?

If you’re a drummer and you don’t know what to practice next, this article will help you find your answer easily.

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Just 4 Simple Steps: How You Can Learn Drum Fills By Heart

How to learn drum fills

AWESOME. They really sound great. I’d love to learn those drum fills, too!

But how can I?

In this drumming guide, I’m sharing my best tips on how you can easily mesmerize each drum fill you like.

This method only requires you to take 4 certain steps.

That’s easy to follow, right? 🙂


So let’s dive into them.

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The Easiest Way To Learn Drums: 5 Tips For Your Drumming Success

Easiest Way Learn Drums

Easy. Just like the ABC. Is it? A lot of people wonder whether the drums are hard to learn or not. Also, the easiest way to learn drums is a frequently asked question.

So what is it?

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What Kind Of Drummer Do You Want To Be?

Kinds of drummers

He took a glimpse into the mirror: Wide eyes, small lips. 12 wrinkles on his forehead. He had done it many times before. Simply looking into the mirror. See what’s there. And ask one single question: What kind of drummer do you want to be?

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Why Great Drumming Doesn’t Need To Be Complex

Great drumming not complex

Great drumming … Look at her!

She’s such an awesome drummer.

Wow, I bet she must have the best drumming technique on earth.

Said no one ever.

Ok, some actually do.

And hey, I don’t blame them.

But does great drumming REALLY equal complex beats, fills and time signatures?

For me? Nope. Not at all.

Here’s why.

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Try These 8 Smart Hacks For Learning To Drum Faster

Play drums faster hacks

I am sad. And frustrated. When I sit down to play the drum kit, I’m so slow. Everything’s so slow. Do I play any good? Argh, this sucks. I do … 🙁

Sounds familiar?

A lot of drummers would agree. Especially beginners, but we all do now and then. So it’s the question of how you can drum faster that sometimes seems to be on our mind 24/7.

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3 Instant Tips On How You Can Become More Confident As A Drum Starter

Confident drum starter tipps

Being confident as a drum starter is not always easy. I know, I know. There are many things you still need to master. And want to.

Also, what you’re playing sometimes doesn’t sound that good in your ears. Overall, you feel pretty insecure about what you’re doing around the drum kit.

How should you become more confident as a drum starter then? Don’t worry, it’s actually not a rocket science kind of task.

The 3 instant tips will help you become more confident from now on.

Let’s look into them, shall we? 🙂

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How You Can Establish A Healthy Mindset As A Drummer

Healthy mindset drummer tips

A healthy mindset? Sure, got it!


You see, being a drummer is simply awesome.

However, it can give you a hard time too. I

It can even make your day worse.

Manu, what are you talking about?

Hear me on.

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How Hard Is It To Learn Drums REALLY?

How hard is it to learn the drums

Ok, you want to become a drummer. Hey, congrats and a great decision! However, you might be wondering: How hard is it to learn drums? Really.

Am I going to have a tough time? And how long will it take me to become a good drummer?

I know, I know … these are very good questions. So to help you out, I’m going to answer both of them for you.

Let’s start off with the first one:

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